
8-Week Starter Set
This is a sequence of classmaps that is ideal for beginning coaches running an 8-week course and works for students of various levels.
Class Launch Map
~60 minutes8 modes
Start your session with introductions, the first Code of Awesomeness, and writing the Hello World code!
Be a Bug Hunter Map
~60 minutes5 modes
Add a new Code to your Team's Code of Awesomeness!
First Badges Awarded Map
~60 minutes5 modes
Award the first badge(s) of the session!
Teach the Team Map
~60 minutes5 modes
Add a new Code to your Team's Code of Awesomeness!
All About Bugs
~60 minutes4 modes
Get to know BUGS and a different way of thinking about them.
Code of Awesomeness Focus Map
~60 minutes5 modes
Re-enforce a specific Code, put it into practice, and grow student metacognition skills through reflection!
Partner Practice
~60 minutes5 modes
Prepare for the Final Jam by reviewing code and practicing pair programming.
Final Jam Map
~60 minutes5 modes
Celebrate student progress by showcasing everything they have learned. Have an AWESOME last class!
Computational Thinking Set
This is a sequence of classmaps that uses a blend of unplugged and coding game modes, as well as a variety of story modes.
Intro to Inputs/Outputs
~40 minutes5 modes
An unplugged/plugged classmap introducing the basics of inputs/outputs.
Intro to Bugs
~40 minutes5 modes
A unplugged/plugged classmap introducing the basics of bugs.
Intro to Thinking Code
~40 minutes5 modes
A unplugged/plugged classmap introducing the basics of learning how to code.
More On Inputs and Outputs
~40 minutes5 modes
A unplugged/plugged classmap on inputs/outputs.
Coder Skills
~40 minutes5 modes
It takes more than just computer knowledge to be a coder; take a look all the different skills it takes to be the best coder in this map.
More On Bugs
~40 minutes5 modes
Learn some computer science history in this map.
5-Week Starter Set
This is a sequence of classmaps that is ideal for beginning coaches running a 5-week course and works for students of various levels.
Class Launch Map
~60 minutes8 modes
Start your session with introductions, the first Code of Awesomeness, and writing the Hello World code!
Be a Bug Hunter Map
~60 minutes5 modes
Add a new Code to your Team's Code of Awesomeness!
First Badges Awarded Map
~60 minutes5 modes
Award the first badge(s) of the session!
Teach the Team Map
~60 minutes5 modes
Add a new Code to your Team's Code of Awesomeness!
Final Jam Map
~60 minutes5 modes
Celebrate student progress by showcasing everything they have learned. Have an AWESOME last class!
6-Week Starter Set
This is a sequence of classmaps that is ideal for beginning coaches running a 6-week course and works for students of various levels.
Class Launch Map
~60 minutes8 modes
Start your session with introductions, the first Code of Awesomeness, and writing the Hello World code!
First Badges Awarded Map
~60 minutes5 modes
Award the first badge(s) of the session!
Be a Bug Hunter Map
~60 minutes5 modes
Add a new Code to your Team's Code of Awesomeness!
Teach the Team Map
~60 minutes5 modes
Add a new Code to your Team's Code of Awesomeness!
Partner Practice
~60 minutes5 modes
Prepare for the Final Jam by reviewing code and practicing pair programming.
Final Jam Map
~60 minutes5 modes
Celebrate student progress by showcasing everything they have learned. Have an AWESOME last class!
7-Week Starter Set
This is a sequence of classmaps that is ideal for beginning coaches running a 7-week course and works for students of various levels.
Class Launch Map
~60 minutes8 modes
Start your session with introductions, the first Code of Awesomeness, and writing the Hello World code!
Be a Bug Hunter Map
~60 minutes5 modes
Add a new Code to your Team's Code of Awesomeness!
First Badges Awarded Map
~60 minutes5 modes
Award the first badge(s) of the session!
Teach the Team Map
~60 minutes5 modes
Add a new Code to your Team's Code of Awesomeness!
Code of Awesomeness Focus Map
~60 minutes5 modes
Re-enforce a specific Code, put it into practice, and grow student metacognition skills through reflection!
Partner Practice
~60 minutes5 modes
Prepare for the Final Jam by reviewing code and practicing pair programming.
Final Jam Map
~60 minutes5 modes
Celebrate student progress by showcasing everything they have learned. Have an AWESOME last class!
12-Week Starter Set (in progress)
This is a sequence of classmaps that is ideal for beginning coaches running a 12-week course and works for students of various levels.
Class Launch Map
~60 minutes8 modes
Start your session with introductions, the first Code of Awesomeness, and writing the Hello World code!
Be a Bug Hunter Map
~60 minutes5 modes
Add a new Code to your Team's Code of Awesomeness!
Teach the Team Map
~60 minutes5 modes
Add a new Code to your Team's Code of Awesomeness!
First Badges Awarded Map
~60 minutes5 modes
Award the first badge(s) of the session!
All About Bugs
~60 minutes4 modes
Get to know BUGS and a different way of thinking about them.
Code of Awesomeness Focus Map
~60 minutes5 modes
Re-enforce a specific Code, put it into practice, and grow student metacognition skills through reflection!
Partner Practice
~60 minutes5 modes
Prepare for the Final Jam by reviewing code and practicing pair programming.
Final Jam Map
~60 minutes5 modes
Celebrate student progress by showcasing everything they have learned. Have an AWESOME last class!


Class Launch Map ~60 minutes
Start your session with introductions, the first Code of Awesomeness, and writing the Hello World code!
Coach Story
Name Memory Game
Course Introduction
Overcome the Unknown Fable
Code of Awesomeness Mottos
"Hello, World!"
Hello World Game
Meta Story: Reflection
Be a Bug Hunter Map ~60 minutes
Add a new Code to your Team's Code of Awesomeness!
Be a Bug Hunter Fable
Code of Awesomeness Mottos
Code Anatomy
Meta Story: Deep Reflection
First Badges Awarded Map ~60 minutes
Award the first badge(s) of the session!
Badges Today!
Disintegrating Code
Pair Programming: Try It First
Meta Story: Badges
Teach the Team Map ~60 minutes
Add a new Code to your Team's Code of Awesomeness!
Teach the Team Fable
Code of Awesomeness Mottos
Pair Programming: Create a Challenge
Meta Story: One Word
All About Bugs ~60 minutes
Get to know BUGS and a different way of thinking about them.
The Mars Orbiter Bug
Build a Bug Workshop
Bugs in the brain
Meta Story: Deep Reflection
Code of Awesomeness Focus Map ~60 minutes
Re-enforce a specific Code, put it into practice, and grow student metacognition skills through reflection!
Code of Awesomeness Focus
Code Anatomy
Meta Story: Reflection
Disintegrating Code
Meta Story: Deep Reflection
Partner Practice ~60 minutes
Prepare for the Final Jam by reviewing code and practicing pair programming.
Pair Programming: Reverse Translation
Meta Story: Reflection
Pair Programming: Building Up
Meta Story: One Word
Final Jam Map ~60 minutes
Celebrate student progress by showcasing everything they have learned. Have an AWESOME last class!
Final Jam Rules & Resources
Final Jam!
Final Jam Scoring & Awarding
Meta Story: Badges
Intro to Inputs/Outputs ~40 minutes
An unplugged/plugged classmap introducing the basics of inputs/outputs.
Coach Story
Person-Bot (or Code the Coach/Kid)
Thinking about Inputs and Outputs
What Does This Do?
Meta Story: One Word
Intro to Bugs ~40 minutes
A unplugged/plugged classmap introducing the basics of bugs.
Person-Bot (or Code the Coach/Kid)
Debugging the Pizza
Disintegrating Code
Meta Story: Reflection
Intro to Thinking Code ~40 minutes
A unplugged/plugged classmap introducing the basics of learning how to code.
Chain Reaction
A Path in Your Brain
Disintegrating Code
Meta Story: One Word
More On Inputs and Outputs ~40 minutes
A unplugged/plugged classmap on inputs/outputs.
Chain Reaction
A System-atic World
Try It First
Meta Story: One Word
Coder Skills ~40 minutes
It takes more than just computer knowledge to be a coder; take a look all the different skills it takes to be the best coder in this map.
Chain Reaction
The Life and Times of a Real Coder
Build a Bug Workshop
Meta Story: Reflection
More on Coder Skills ~40 minutes
Continuing the discovery of the whole collection of skills it takes to be a coder.
Chain Reaction
The Life and Times of a Real Coder: Chapter 2/3
Create a Challenge
Meta Story: One Word
Coder Skills: The Final Chapter ~40 minutes
Focusing on the most challenging part of being a coder -- coding your own brain.
Chain Reaction
The Life and Times of a Real Coder: Chapter 3/3
Try It First
Meta Story: Reflection
Intro to Inputs/Outputs ~40 minutes
An unplugged/plugged classmap introducing the basics of inputs/outputs.
Coach Story
Person-Bot (or Code the Coach/Kid)
Thinking about Inputs and Outputs
What Does This Do?
Meta Story: One Word
Intro to Bugs: on-computer games only ~60 minutes
A classmap introducing the basics of bugs, with all on-computer game modes.
Disintegrating Code
Debugging the Pizza
Build a Bug Workshop
Meta Story: Reflection
Intro to Thinking Code ~40 minutes
A unplugged/plugged classmap introducing the basics of learning how to code.
Chain Reaction
A Path in Your Brain
Disintegrating Code
Meta Story: One Word
More On Inputs and Outputs: on-computer games only ~60 minutes
A classmap on inputs/outputs, with all on-computer game modes.
Disintegrating Code
The World Through Inputs and Outputs
Try It First
Meta Story: One Word
More On Bugs ~40 minutes
Learn some computer science history in this map.
Chain Reaction
The First Computer Bug...
Reverse Translation
Meta Story: Reflection
More on to Code is Language: on-computer games only ~60 minutes
A classmap on coding as a language, with all on-computer game modes.
Try It First
Tell a Story with Words Changed
Disintegrating Code
Meta Story: One Word
Intro to Inputs/Outputs: Intermediate ~60 minutes
A classmap covering depth 1 and 2 on inputs/outputs.
Coach Story
The World Through Inputs and Outputs
Person-Bot (or Code the Coach/Kid)
What Does This Do?
Meta Story: One Word
Intro to Bugs: Intermediate ~60 minutes
A classmap covering depth 1 and 2 on bugs.
Open Code Review
Be a Bug Hunter Fable
Disintegrating Code
Build a Bug Workshop
Meta Story: Reflection
Intro to Code is Language: Intermediate ~60 minutes
A classmap introducing dept 1 and 2 of coding as a language.
Open Code Review
Coach tells story and leads discussion about language
Person-Bot: Define Shapes and Sizes
Try It First
Meta Story: One Word
Ruby's Awesome Class Launch Map (v3) ~60 minutes
A variation on the Class Launch Map by Coach Ruby
Coach Story
Compass Name Game
Course Introduction
Code of Awesomeness Fables
Code of Awesomeness Mottos
"Hello, World!"
Hello World Game
Meta Story: Reflection

Story Modes

Story Modes all have a few things in common.

Focal Points 1
All students share a common point of focus -- usually the coach, sometimes other students

Energy Level Normal
Students are engaged and interested -- but heartrates are low (compared to playing games). It's the kind of energy you experence when you watch an interesting show on television, or read an interesting book.

Comfort Zone Inside
Students are inside their comfort zone and able to pick up new information because they are relaxed and, ideally, in a state of narrative transportation.

Learning Gains Information and Values
During Story Mode, students may learn many things -- but the type of thing that stories teach is always the same. Stories communicate information and values.

The Story Mode database

activebadgescode of awesomenesscodingcommunicationcompetitivecompetitive optioncs-conceptculturaldatabasesdebuggingdiscussion basedfablefinal jamhigh schoolhistoricalinterface designintro new codelanguage gamesmemorizationmeta-classroommeta-cognitionmiddle schoolmulti-storyname gamepartnerspatternsreflectionreviewsimplesoftware engineeringteamworktrue storyunpluggedupper elementarywork in progressyoung elementaryyoung engineer
"Hello, World!"
Why do we call the first code we write our Hello World program?
A Path in Your Brain
A metaphor for learning in your brain. Or: why it takes so darn long to learn something new.
A System-atic World
meta-cognitioncs-conceptyoung elementaryupper elementarymiddle schoolhigh school
Learning about systems and thinking about everyday things as systems.
Ancient Badges
A badge two thousand years ago. A chance to meditate on how symbols tell stories.
Badge Story
Where do MetaCoders badges come from. There's always more beneath the surface.
Badges Today!
A reminder about badges, and what they mean, for days when some students will earn a badge.
Be a Bug Hunter Fable
fablecode of awesomenessdebuggingmeta-classroom
A Code of Awesomeness fable about two animals who have different strategies for dealing with bugs.
Bugs in the brain
Many young coders (all the way through college and their first few years on the job) seem to think that bugs happen by magic. In reality, they happen because coders are not self-aware enough.
Coach Story
A chance to introduce yourself and some values of MetaCoders.
Code of Awesomeness Focus
Review all Codes of Awesomeness as a group and choose one to make into a theme for the day.
Coding Badges
A badge at MetaCoders. A chance to meditate on how even a MetaCoders badge can mean more than it means.
Course Introduction
Introduce the course concepts and goals: including language, gamification, and learning how to learn!
Debugging the Pizza
cs-conceptyoung elementaryupper elementarymiddle schoolhigh school
Mia uses a debugging process to figure out why the pizza suddenly tastes like soap.
Final Jam Rules & Resources
meta-classroomfinal jam
Prepare to JAM OUT!
Hacking All Around
cs-conceptdiscussion basedupper elementarymiddle schoolhigh school
An introductory, discussion-driven conversation about hacking.
Hello World History
historicalculturalmiddle schoolhigh school
About the phrase 'Hello World' in the computer science context, and why you'll see it again and again on your journey to become a coder.
How to capture a Boid
interface designsoftware engineeringtrue story
Jason captures several Boids and puts them on a website
Meta Story: Badges
The Badge Ceremony!
Meta Story: Deep Reflection
A deeper dive into the subjects, challenges, and skill-building that happened in today's class.
Meta Story: Next Time...
A chance to remind students of something for upcoming classes.
Meta Story: One Word
A speedy mini-reflection where each student sums up their experience in one word.
Meta Story: Reflection
A chance to practice those metacognition skills.
Open Source Code: A Fable
fablecs-conceptwork in progress
A Code of Awesomeness fable about the value of teaching others, and the paradoxical pitfall of hording ones knowledge.
Overcome the Unknown Fable
fablecode of awesomenessmeta-cognition
A Code of Awesomeness fable about two fish who looked the same on the outside, but whose minds were very different on the inside.
Purple Hearts
A badge in the attic. A chance to meditate on a badge that symbolizes a major sacrifice.
Look back at what we've learned or done in previous classes.
Teach the Team Fable
fablecode of awesomenessmeta-classroomteamwork
A Code of Awesomeness fable about the value of teaching others, and the paradoxical pitfall of hording ones knowledge.
The First Computer Bug...
The story of the moth in Mark II
The Life and Times of a Real Coder
What does it really take to be a coder?
The Life and Times of a Real Coder: Chapter 1/3

The first part of a three-part story, investigating all the different skills it takes to be the best coder we can be.
The Life and Times of a Real Coder: Chapter 2/3

The second part of a three-part story, investigating all the different skills it takes to be the best coder we can be.
The Life and Times of a Real Coder: Chapter 3/3

The third and final part of a three-part story, investigating all the different skills it takes to be the best coder we can be.
The Mars Orbiter Bug
A mission to Mars is several miles (or kilometers) off track -- leading to disaster.
Thinking about Inputs and Outputs
young elementaryupper elementarycs-concept
Learn about inputs and outputs on a computer, then map them on to a human!
Three Badge Stories
A discussion of badges and how they mean more than they seem to mean.
YouTube can't tell me what language to use!
software engineeringtrue storyyoung engineer
A high schooler embeds youtube videos on their site, but prefers to use Lisp instead of HTML.

Game Modes

Game Modes all have a few things in common.

Focal Points Many
Students have multiple points of focus -- a few may be focused on one computer and activity here, and someone working solo on another task over there, these two working with a coach here...

Energy Level High
Students are striving to achieve a well-defined goal -- and heartrates may be higher (compared to listening to stories). It's the kind of energy you experence when you have to finish a difficult but acheivable task under time pressure.

Comfort Zone Outside
Students are slightly outside of their comfort zone. Psychologists use the term "flow state" to describe what we experience when we play games -- when we are doing something that is not too easy (so we need to focus) and not too hard (so we stay engaged), challenging but acheivable.

Learning Gains Skills and Fluencies
During Game Mode, students may learn many things -- but the type of thing they teach is always the same. Games train skills and fluencies.

The Game Mode database

activebadgescode of awesomenesscodingcommunicationcompetitivecompetitive optioncs-conceptculturaldatabasesdebuggingdiscussion basedfablefinal jamhigh schoolhistoricalinterface designintro new codelanguage gamesmemorizationmeta-classroommeta-cognitionmiddle schoolmulti-storyname gamepartnerspatternsreflectionreviewsimplesoftware engineeringteamworktrue storyunpluggedupper elementarywork in progressyoung elementaryyoung engineer
Build a Bug Workshop
codingpartnersdebuggingreviewcompetitive optionyoung elementaryupper elementarymiddle schoolhigh school
Players purposely break and debug code in this partnered game.
Building Up
codingteamworkcommunicationreviewcompetitive optionupper elementarymiddle schoolhigh school
Team works together to break a large translation task into the smallest possible steps, then follows the steps to code the game.
Chain Reaction
unpluggedactivecompetitive optionlanguage gamessimpleyoung elementaryupper elementarymiddle schoolhigh school
Define multiple bot-groups with different definitions and create a chain reaction...
Code Anatomy
codingmemorizationintro new codecommunicationteamworkunpluggedyoung elementaryupper elementarymiddle schoolhigh school
Work as a team to label different parts of the code, then recall the code using only those terms.
Code Carousel
codingpartnerscommunicationteamworkreviewupper elementarymiddle schoolhigh school
Players work in pairs translating english prompt into code, rotating to a new computer every 30 seconds.
Code Olympics
codingteamworkcompetitivereviewupper elementarymiddle schoolhigh school
Small teams travel from 'event' to 'event' -- completing a Game Mode at each station.
Code Relay
codingteamworkcompetitiveupper elementarymiddle schoolhigh school
Race against each other (or the clock) to complete the coding challenges!
Code of Awesomeness Mottos
Customize the Code of Awesomeness by creating a unique Motto for one or multiple Codes.
Compass Name Game
name gameunpluggedyoung elementaryupper elementary
A multi-level name game with speed and a technological flavor.
Connect Four
codingreviewcompetitive optionupper elementarymiddle schoolhigh school
Players creatively connect different code cards to create a custom specification and write the resulting code.
Create a Challenge
codingteamworkcommunicationreviewyoung elementaryupper elementarymiddle schoolhigh school
The Team works together to design specification for a coding challenge, before taking on that challenge themselves.
Disintegrating Code
codingmemorizationintro new codeyoung elementaryupper elementarymiddle schoolhigh school
Write the code multiple times, but with fewer and fewer hints each time.
Final Jam Scoring & Awarding
final jampartnerscompetitive optionyoung elementaryupper elementarymiddle schoolhigh school
Players score their own creation using the following formula with the Coach's guidance.
Final Jam!
final jamcodingteamworkpartnersreviewcompetitive optionreviewyoung elementaryupper elementarymiddle schoolhigh school
It's the Final JAM-down!
Find the Portkey

Harry Potter reference is mandatory
Hello World Game
codingsimpleintro new codeyoung elementaryupper elementarymiddle schoolhigh school
The first coding game of most courses

A chance to spend that MetaMoney and get cool prizes!
Mind Meld
codingmemorizationteamworkreviewupper elementarymiddle schoolhigh school
Can your whole Team think with ONE MIND?!
Name Alliteration
name gameunpluggedupper elementarymiddle schoolhigh school
Players introduce themselves with an alliterative adjective/name combo and a matching movement.
Name Memory Game
name gameunpluggedyoung elementaryupper elementarymiddle schoolhigh school
Players share about themselves and test their memory by repeating what Players before them have said.
Name and Motion
name gameunpluggedyoung elementaryupper elementary
Players introduce themselves with a name, an activity they like to do and a matching movement.
Open Code Review
codingsimplereviewyoung elementaryupper elementarymiddle schoolhigh school
Players have free time to review what they have learned so far. Works well as an opening warmup.
Pattern Prediction
unpluggedpatternsyoung elementarymiddle schoolhigh school
Coach shows an unfinished pattern and the Team guesses the ending.
Person-Bot (or Code the Coach/Kid)
unpluggedcommunicationteamworkcompetitive optionyoung elementaryupper elementary
Team works together to 'code' a Bot (the Coach or a Player) to achieve a Goal.
Person-Bot: Define Movement
unpluggedlanguage gamescompetitive optionteamworkyoung elementaryupper elementary
Team defines a set of operations before working together to 'code' the Coach or a Player like a Bot to achieve a goal -- only using their defined language.
Person-Bot: Define Point
unpluggedlanguage gamescompetitive optionteamworkyoung elementaryupper elementary
Team defines a set of operations before working together to 'code' the Coach or a Player like a Bot to achieve a goal -- only using their defined language.
Person-Bot: Define Shapes and Sizes
unpluggedlanguage gamescompetitive optionteamworkyoung elementaryupper elementary
Team defines a set of operations before working together to 'code' the Coach or a Player like a Bot to achieve a goal -- only using their defined language.
Person-Bot: Gone Meta
unpluggedlanguage gamescompetitive optionteamworkyoung elementaryupper elementary
Team defines a set of operations before working together to 'code' the Coach or a Player like a Bot to achieve a goal -- only using their defined language.
Reverse Engineering
codingteamworkcommunicationreviewcompetitive optionyoung elementaryupper elementarymiddle schoolhigh school
Coach shows the Team running code, who then work backwards to write the code.
Reverse Translation
codingcommunicationunpluggedreviewcompetitive optionyoung elementaryupper elementarymiddle schoolhigh school
Starting with just an implementation, the Team translates it back to a specification with as much detail as possible.
Try It First
codingsimpleintro new codeyoung elementaryupper elementarymiddle schoolhigh school
Players try to figure out how to code a new specification with no hints before getting hints/the answer.
Whaddya Call That?!
language gamesteamworkcommunicationunpluggedupper elementarymiddle schoolhigh school
Team works together to create their own language for unique shapes before using that language to communicate a picture to draw.
Whaddya Call That?! Partner Version

Each pair creates their own language
What Does This Do?
codingsimpleintro new codeyoung elementaryupper elementarymiddle schoolhigh school
Players type up and run code, before explaining the result in detail.


Because there are only two acceptable classroom modalities, there are four primary kinds of transitions coaches must be fluent in. In addition, there are transistions into and out of class. All of these transitions are simplified into three or fewer steps to enable you to start using them with high mastery in your first class. Check them out in the tabs below.

A Note on Attention Getters:

Having the student's attention is required in order to transisition effectively. Conveniently, most Class Launch Maps include the Code of Awesomeness Mottos Game Mode, where the class generates their very own call and response -- a perfect attention getter! Use these often.

The attention getter rule of thumb is: If it works, it's fine. If you google for attention getters, you'll find hundreds. Most of them are based on the highly effective call/response model. Find your favorite or build a repertoire of dozens. That's up to you.

Here's a video with several:

Story Mode to Game Mode

Transitioning from Story Mode to Game Mode involves:

  • Ending the current story.
  • Explaining the upcoming game.
  • Raising the energy level.
  • Preparing students for flow state.

Do you need an attention getter? No. You should be in Story Mode already, meaning that the class's attention is focused on you or people you designate. You only need an attention getter if you aren't really in Story Mode -- i.e. if the class's focused attention has begun to fray.

What are the ABCs of a Story Mode to Game Mode transition?

  • (A)nnounce that you are about to transition to a Game Mode. But tell the class to wait until you say "Start".
  • (B)uild tension. Recommendations for this step can be found in the various Game Modes on this site, but the general idea is:

    • Give the instructions you want students to perform after you say "Start".
    • Tell them what the challenge will be. If there is a time limit, tell them now. This gives them time to rally cognitive resources for the challenge ahead.
    • Explain the cognitive benefit of the Game Mode. Tell them why you are asking them to do it.

  • (C)hange the space and (C)ontinue. Alter the room in a visually distinguishable way -- turn the lights on, have students open their computers, etc. Say "Start".

Game Mode to Story Mode

Transitioning from Game Mode to Story Mode involves:

  • Ending the current game.
  • Handling byproducts of interrupted flow state.
  • Lowering the energy level.
  • Preparing students for narrative transportation.

Do you need an attention getter? Almost always. In Game Mode, the class's attention should be focused on their task at hand. Ideally, they will be in a state of flow, fully absorbed. The only time you won't need an attention getter is if you weren't really in a Game Mode -- i.e. if the task was too hard or too easy to induce a flow state -- and students are already looking at you, waiting for you to do something.

What are the ABCs of a Game Mode to Story Mode transition?

  • (C)all attention and (C)hange the space. Use your attention getter and immediately make a visually distinguishable change in the classroom -- i.e. turn off the lights, have students move to a new place and circle up, have students shut their computers.
  • (B)ring down the energy. In a well-run Game Mode, heart rates and excitement should be high. So you'll need to help students calm down.

    • Lead a breathing or stretching exercise.
    • Ask a student to tell you a positive story about their experience in the previous Game Mode.
    • Tell the students they did well in the previous Game Mode. Remind them of the cognitive benefits of that Game Mode. This helps them become more focused on their own long-term growth and less focused on their performace (good or bad) in the specific Game Mode that just ended.

  • (A)dvance into the story. Begin with any necessary meta-data about the story (Why you are telling it? Why do you think it is valuable?). Tell the story.

Game Mode to Game Mode

Do you need an attention getter? Almost always. In Game Mode, the class's attention should be focused on their task at hand. Ideally, they will be in a state of flow, fully absorbed. The only time you won't need an attention getter is if you weren't really in a Game Mode -- i.e. if the task was too hard or too easy to induce a flow state.

These transitions should be quick and efficient. You don't need to have students change space. And you aren't interrupting their flow state for very long. Usually, Game Mode to Game Mode transitions are used to "patch" the current Game Mode -- i.e. to add a new rule, to raise the challenge, to introduce a new round.

If done correctly, students should not feel that the Game Mode ever ended -- just that it was briefly interrupted and subtley changed from that point forward.

Story Mode to Story Mode

Do you need an attention getter? No. You should already have their attention. It's Story Mode.

These transitions should be barely noticeable. You should end one story and begin another, without loss of momentum.

If done correctly, students should not feel that the Story Mode ever ended -- just that it happened to contain more than one story.

Transitioning Into Class

Create a starting-class routine for yourself and your students. Whether you arrive to a room where all students are waiting for you, or students join you one by one, create a routine on the very first class and stick with it.

This routine will help students "get into the right headspace" for class and sustain a sense cohesion through a class where you may be doing wildly different things day-to-day. Students will also become more independant as they grow accustomed the the routine, giving you time to finish setting up, take attendance, check in with HQ or deal with anything else that arises.

A recommended Start-Class routine to begin with is:

  • Have a specific location for students to go and sit.
  • Talk to them about their day (Story Mode!)
  • Take attendance as each student arrives. Submit attendance and start with classmap when ready.

As you develop your own favorite routines, keep in mind:

Start-Class routines must include:

  • Taking of attendance (and reporting as needed).

Start-Class routines can include:

  • Staggered, independant tasks like having a snack or putting your lunch bag by the door
  • Coding warmups
  • Group check-ins ("How was everyone's day?" "Anyone do anything cool over the last week?")
  • Attention Getters

Transitioning Out of Class

End of class dismissal must always be safe and organized. All students must be released to an adult (a parent/guardian, or staff of another program) unless explicitly stated otherwise on the roster or by MetaCoders HQ staff.

Create an ending-class routine to help you achieve this goal. Whether you walk the students to a dismissal location or release them from the room; create this routine on the very first day and stick with it.

End-Class routines must include:

  • Safe and organized dismissal to an adult for every student.

End-Class routines can include:

  • Lining up at the door
  • Sitting on "the rug" or at a specific table
  • High five the coach before leaving (confirms checkout!)
  • A verbal exit ticket told to the coach before leaving