Coach Training Starts Here

It begins with a click...

Click me again to back up...

Click me to go on...

Great! Now that you've centered on me, click again to enter.

Here's a tip...

Once centered on a node, clicking again will always do one of three things:

  1. Zoom in to a new level.
  2. Zoom out to the previous level.
  3. Nothing!

If you're not sure, just click to find out!


click to enter

Now a test

Can you find the video?

Farther East...
Farther East...

click to enter

Nope... Keep searching for the video.
Farther West...
Even Farther West...

click to enter

Nice try! But no video.
Farther South...
Even Farther South...

click to enter

Hmmm. No video here.
Farther North...
Even Farther North...

click to enter



click to enter

Now, some more advice...
Here's a tip...

To jump back the top level of a quest, use the chapter navigation -- which looks like this:

Challenge! Can you find your way back here after clicking "Intro"?

Here's a tip...

Your browser's back button moves backward in time to the location you were last.


click to enter

The End?

There's one more tip

Here's a tip...

Ready for Chapter 1? Do it!

Worried you missed something? Assess yourself.

Don't know how to assess yourself? You missed something! Make sure you checked out all the TIPS!

Here's a tip...

Quest assessments look like this:

#lang mc-coach-assess

(view-deck (intro-deck))
(test-with-deck (intro-deck))

They are mandatory if you are employed by MetaCoders. Otherwise, they are bonus.


click again to learn more

Learn How to Complete an Assessment

Check out Steps to Assess on the right for a review of the video's content.

Steps to Assess:
  1. Install & open DrRacket
  2. Open Package Manager (File > Package Manager)
  3. Install mc-coach-assess
  4. Copy & paste the Assess code on the bottom of the chapter page into the left (or top) panel
  5. Run the
    line until ready to test
  6. Record your screen and voice as you run and talk through the
  7. When completed successfully, submit your video by emailing a youtube link or google drive upload to your training coach!
#lang mc-coach-assess

(view-deck (intro))
(test-with-deck (intro))
